Celebrating a Monumental Year
December 23, 2024
Dear Loyal Customers,
What an incredible year for the Linz family and our entire team! We would consider this year one of the most monumental for our family and the Linz brands. Over 60 years ago, Martin Linz opened a small-town butcher shop and now we are servicing partners all over the world with the highest quality proteins. What hasn’t changed in those 60 years is our unwavering dedication to our customers and the quality we deliver.
The best part of 2024 was moving into our new state-of-the-art production facility. This facility ensures we can better service our customers, provides a more comfortable working environment for our team, and allows us to grow alongside our customers. We would like to thank the entire team for their efforts during the move and for doing their absolute best to make sure there were no impacts on product quality, timely deliveries, and customer service. We don’t say it enough, but we have the most dedicated team in the industry. Meats by Linz is also the proud home to the largest dry age room in the United States. The room is filled with 2.5 miles of racking that holds 20,000 subprimals, aging to our customers’ exact specifications.
The team at Blue Branch Ranch has been hard at work continuing to build a herd with the best genetics. We once again hosted our annual Female and Bull sales at the ranch. These sales continue to be a success and a critical way to meet the needs of our restaurant partners. The team and herd have settled into Oklahoma nicely and it’s been a pleasure to have many customers come out to experience our ranching operations. We genuinely believe in building a connection and an understanding of where food is sourced from while honoring the traditions and hard work of ranching. The live side of the business is a 24/7 job, and we are so proud of what our team is doing at the ranch and feedlot to provide the most consistent product.
Outside of our daily operations, we enjoyed the year visiting customers, hosting events throughout the country, seeing everyone at the National Restaurant Show, offering new items and programs to help expand your menus, and continuing to build our relationships with our partners. 2025 is teeing up to be another great year with many very exciting announcements to come. We are never satisfied! We are continuing to find ways to be the best in the industry while putting our customers first.
None of this would be possible without the support and loyalty of all our customers. We can’t thank you enough for your valued partnership and dedication to the Linz brands. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a successful 2025.

Fred Linz | Owner & CEO Zac Linz | Vice President of Operations