The History of Meats By Linz
In 1963, Martin Linz won $65,000 playing a dice game – today that would roughly equal to $538,300 in purchasing power. With his winnings, the butcher from the now defunct department store Goldblatt’s used the money to open his own butcher shop: Linz Meats. With meat purchased from Chicago distributors, Linz opened his shop in Calumet City, Illinois, where he began providing high-quality meats to the local community. Second generation, Robert Linz quickly realized the competition they were up against with local super markets and decided to shift the business to service restaurants in the Chicago market. Sixty years later, the local butcher shop has grown into one of the largest independent meat purveyors in the world – Meats by Linz. Meats by Linz proudly remains family-owned today. With four generations in the business, the Linz family honors the tradition of sourcing meat, striving to revolutionize the industry, and holding true to their family values.

Meats by Linz founded
by Martin Linz in Calumet City, IL
Robert Linz, second generation joins the family operation
Meats by Linz becomes USDA federally inspected

Frederick Linz, third generation, joins the family operation
Meats by Linz shifts focus to wholesale food service
Meats by Linz begins distribution to Midwest states
Meats by Linz begins national distribution

Meats by Linz moves to new facility in Calumet City, IL
Meats by Linz begins international distribution

Meats by Linz purchases first bull, American Made, to start the Linz Heritage Angus program

Linz family opens the Linz Heritage Angus Ranch in Crown Point, In

Zac Linz, fourth generation, joins the family operation
Meats by Linz launches direct-to-consumer website,

Linz family opens Linz Heritage Angus at Blue Branch Ranch in Byars, OK
Meats by Linz breaks ground on new production facility in Hammond, IN
In partnership with Anthony Randall, Linz Heritage Angus purchases Timpas Feedlot in Rocky Ford, CO
Meats by Linz rebranded to celebrate 60 years in business

Projected move in date to new headquarters in Hammond, IN
1968 Robert Linz, second generation joins the family operation
1983 Meats by Linz becomes USDA federally inspected

Frederick Linz, third generation, joins the family operation
1998 Meats by Linz begins national distribution
2005 Meats by Linz begins international distribution

Meats by Linz purchases first bull, American Made, to start the Linz Heritage Angus program

Zac Linz, fourth generation, joins the family operation
2022 Meats by Linz breaks ground on new production facility in Hammond, IN
2022 In partnership with Anthony Randall, Linz Heritage Angus purchases Timpas Feedlot in Rocky Ford, CO
2023 Meats by Linz rebranded to celebrate 60 years in business

Projected move in date to new headquarters in Hammond, IN

Meats by Linz founded
by Martin Linz in Calumet City, IL
1986 Meats by Linz shifts focus to wholesale food service
1992 Meats by Linz begins distribution to Midwest states

Meats by Linz moves to new facility in Calumet City, IL

Linz family opens the Linz Heritage Angus Ranch in Crown Point, In
2018 Meats by Linz launches direct-to-consumer website,

Linz family opens Linz Heritage Angus at Blue Branch Ranch in Byars, OK